Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Paris - Harry Potter, Sorbonne, Lunch, Jardin du Luxembourg, Notre Dame (sorta)

Our last full day in Paris, fortunately we had our friends with us again - the Lemoines joined us for two nights in our Paris apartment.  We were so glad to have them join us!

Today we go up EARLY and went to Harry Potter - L'Exposition.  It was a good bit of fun.  I promised Alienor I'd make her a wand and send it to her after we get home (the wands at the exhibition were 43€).

Afterward we caught the metro back into Paris downtown (the exposition was on the northern outskirts of Paris.

Marie took some time to show us the Sorbonne (where she received her doctorate) and the surrounding neighborhood.

Very sweet cat at the adorable cafe where we had lunch.

A constitutional seemed in order, so we all sauntered off to the Jardins du Luxembourg...

It was (believe it or not) still early in the day, so we decided to try Notre Dame.  The lines outside were horrendous and it was quite hot, so we decided that the inside of the cathedral would have to wait until our next visit.  We decided instead to go *under* the cathedral - more specifically, under the plaza where an attempt to build a car park yielded an archaeological treasure trove.  The area underneath the cathedral has layers of excavation from the Romans, to the Dark Ages, to Medieval times and more.  It's history laid bare, jumbled up and sitting on top of itself.

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