Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fiesole, traditional Tuscan dinner

Today we visited Fiesole, yet another charming Tuscan hill town.  Fiesole also has an active archaeological excavation / ruin in the center of town and an excellent museum explaining the history of the town (and region) from the Etruscans, to the Romans, to the Longobards (the tribe / culture that succeeded the Romans).

The baths, showing the progress from frigidarium (cold room) to tepidarium (tepid room) to calidarium (hot room). Note the furnaces heating the calidarium floors.

Longobard warrior remains.

Longobard bronze sword, decorative shield center.

Returning this evening our hosts Allesandro and Sirena served us a wonderful Tuscan dinner.  We enjoyed the meal very much, as well as getting to know our new friends from Denmark, the Sørensens!  They had a very charming daughter who Erin hung out with all week, and we also got to meet their extended family who were staying at another nearby agriturismo.

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