Saturday, July 25, 2015

Die Marksburg, Deutches Eck, Die Festung Ehrenbreitstein

First full day in Germany and...


The people, the food, the culture, the gorgeous little towns nestled among forests and farmland... it's just stunning.

Today we toured the Marksburg castle...

Hiding from a sudden downpour while waiting for our English-speaking guide.

The kids, making sure all of the armaments are in working order (they weren't)

The underside of the old toilet, right above the wall ramparts.  Being on wall duty must have SUCKED.

Bellows for pumping wine from cask to cask.  

Shannon standing in a BAF (Big-Ass Fireplace) 


Max, being knightly.

Erin tries the steel helmet.

Castle smithy.

The Marksburg was very cool.  The castle is VERY intact and while it was never directly attacked it's interesting to see all the defensive considerations that went into its design.

Next stop: Deutches Eck, the headland in the city of Koblenz where the Mosel river runs into the Rhine (or vice versa).

German IT and military building, formerly Prussian.

Badly exposed photo of the statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I.

Cable car ride on a windy day!  Whee!

At the top of the cable cars, Die Festung Ehrenbreitstein: a massive old fortress.

Mysterious statue in old statue niche.

At the top: Gaukler (Juggler) fest.  This pair of very funny Italian jugglers kept us well entertained.

Preparing to descend.

The boys tried very hard to get us our own "private" cable car, but it was not to be.

Oddly updated watchtower halfway up (or down) the cliff

 Amazingly fun day with very fun friends.

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