Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Brittany - Vannes, Vannes Cathedral, Carnac, Carnac Beach

Vannes is an old city, much of downtown was spared from destruction during WWII.  The town has a beautiful little harbor and a charming, walkable downtown area composed of new shops and ramshackle old buildings that look like they might fall over any moment (I'm assured that rarely, if ever, happens).

Vannes Cathedral is very beautiful.  Unlike Italian churches and cathedrals, photography is allowed inside so please enjoy :-)

We wound our way through the city and explored the extensive gardens, which are quite lovely and very well-tended.


Carnac is a collection of ancient stones built millenia ago (archaeologists estimate the rows of stones in the three sites to date back to 4,000 BC to 3,500 BC.  The exact purpose of the stone rows is unkown.  While Carnac, like other megalithic sites, had large stone circles (possibly for Druidic rituals), Carnac is the only known site with stones in rows like this.

We were fortunate to have our translator and Professeur d'Francais Ordinaire (Erwan) with us as the spoken tour was in French.

Spotted the rare and elusive French Photographer.  Note the brilliant plumage.

Horace had enough of the tour, so I spent some time entertaining him.

On our departure from the mysterious and fascinating stones of Carnac, we went to the somewhat-less-mysterious beach where we looked for beach glass, had an impromptu dinner and had a nice swim.

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